How Much Water Should a Pregnant Woman Drink?

How Much Water Should a Pregnant Woman Drink?

By : Baby Science Date : MAY 03, 2024 Read : 27 Min.


You already know that drinking lots of water is great for your health - really good for you. And when you're carrying a baby, it's no surprise that you need even more water. But how much water should you drink when you're pregnant? Keep reading the Baby Science IVF article to learn what fertility treatment experts say about staying hydrated during pregnancy.

Wondering how much water you should drink while pregnant?

During pregnancy, it's advised by fertility specialists like Dr. Manjunath CS, a medical director & sr. A consultant in the Department of Reproductive Medicine at Baby Science IVF Center, suggests adding 8 to 16 ounces more water per day. That typically means aiming for 8 to 12 cups daily, according to Dr. Nancy m Anitha, a women's sr. Fertility consultant expert.

Staying well-hydrated is crucial throughout pregnancy, emphasizes Nancy M. Anitha. But hitting the recommended 8 to 12 cups of water a day can be challenging, especially during the first trimester if you're battling morning sickness. Nancy M. Anitha stresses the importance of staying adequately hydrated in the third trimester to prevent issues like uterine irritability and preterm labor, and to prepare for potential blood loss during delivery.

Benefits of Staying Hydrated During Pregnancy

Drinking lots of water during pregnancy comes with numerous benefits. According to Dr. Aarthi Mani, staying hydrated supports fetal circulation and helps maintain healthy levels of amniotic fluid and blood volume. Adequate hydration also plays a role in influencing the levels of amniotic fluid surrounding the baby in the womb. Lewis says that low levels of amniotic fluid can impair fetal development and oxygenation.

Staying hydrated during pregnancy not only has health benefits but can also make you feel better overall. Dr. Aarthi Mani, dehydration raises the risk of low blood pressure, which can lead to feelings of lightheadedness and dizziness. Additionally, it increases the chances of experiencing cramping and preterm contractions. Aarthi Mani emphasizes that dehydration affects the uterus, which is a muscle, making it more susceptible to these issues.

Dr. Manjunath mentions that drinking water is also beneficial for preventing issues like constipation and urinary tract infections during pregnancy.

Is tap water safe to drink during pregnancy?

According to Dr. Manjunath CS, while tap water quality can vary by municipality, it's generally considered safe as long as it's sourced from a reliable source.

Tap water contains fluoride, which can support the development of the teeth and bones of the growing fetus." However, she notes that certain areas may have safety issues related to lead or other substances. While the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates contaminants in drinking water, municipalities are obligated to publicly disclose the results of water testing. You can check the results for your area.

Dr. Anuprabha Karthik suggests, If you're concerned, you might consider purchasing a water filter to attach to your sink.


What other drinks can support hydration during pregnancy?

Are you tired of plain water? No need to worry! Here are some options to keep you hydrated during pregnancy:

  • Flavored or sparkling water
  • Non-caffeinated herbal teas
  • Coconut water
  • Diluted juices
  • Water with flavoring, such as lemon, lime, or orange

Anuprabha Karthik highlight, The most important thing is to avoid consuming lots of high-sugar beverages. Additionally, it's crucial to limit caffeine intake during pregnancy. The Baby Science IVF fertility clinics in India suggests consuming no more than 200 milligrams per day. Lewis adds, Caffeinated beverages can contribute to dehydration, so they don't offer the same benefits as drinking water.

Not sure if you're drinking enough water? Dr. Manjunath suggests checking the color of your urine. "If you're well-hydrated, urine will appear very light yellow to clear and be odorless," she explains. "However, if you haven't been drinking enough water, urine will appear dark yellow or amber and have a more noticeable odor."

if you're struggling to meet your hydration needs, it's important to discuss this with best fertility centers in India Baby Science IVF. We provide personalized recommendations to assist you. In the meantime, keep hydrating!

Please note: The Bump and its content, including materials and information, are not meant to provide medical or health advice or diagnosis, and should not be relied upon as such. It's important to always consult with a qualified physician or health professional regarding your individual circumstances.

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